

1305 Uppsatser om Trend forecasting agencies - Sida 1 av 87

Incorporating the future - a study of three companies? internalisation of future trends forecasting and scenario planning.

Purpose:The purpose of this thesis is: to determine key success factors for an organisation?s internal process of internalising future trends forecasting. Methodology:A qualitative approach has been chosen by examining three different companies (Electrolux, H&M and, Sony Ericsson) through interviews and other data. The empirical material have been analysed by using valid theory as a platform from where the analysis can be performed. This has created a conceptual analysis that enables the use of the conclusions in other similar companies.

Prognoser av räntabilitet på eget kapital - En studie av hur Re-prognoser påverkas vid en uppdelning av hävstångsformelns komponenter

Forecasting is an important part in attempting to predict how companies will perform in the future. The more accurate the prediction, the more valuable are the results obtained from the forecast. This thesis aims to investigate forecasts of return on equity, and whether a disaggregation of the leverage formula into its underlying components affects the forecasting ability positively. This is conducted by comparing a model based on the leverage formula's components with a model solely based on return on equity from previous years. The study includes manufacturing companies on the Swedish Stock Exchange over the period 1998-2011.

Efterfrågeprognoser : ?En jämförelse av prognosmodeller med avseende på FMCG-marknaden?

An organization must manage its resource consumption and material flows in order to satisfy the demand of its products as efficiently as possible. Managing of the aforementioned requires a balance between the organizations resources (such as the capability of distribution and production) and the market demand. According to Gardner (1990), an estimation of future demand is a necessity for maintaining the balance. An instrument that is used frequently to estimate future demand is demand forecasting. The demand forecasting practice has been thoroughly studied and a plethora of academic contributions exist on the topic.

Myndigheter för hållbar utveckling : En studie av myndigheters miljölednignssystem 2005

Agencies towards Sustainable Development ? A Study of Environmental Management Systems in Governmental Agencies 2005A vision of the Swedish government is to build an ecologically sustainable society. A tool in this effort is to implement environmental management systems (EMS). The aim of the thesis is to present in which phase of the implementation of EMS Swedish governmental agencies are. This will be done by compilation and evaluation of agencies? yearly environmental reports.The thesis is written in co-operation with the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency (Swedish EPA).

Myndigheternas medier : En studie av svenska myndigheters nya medieanvändning

The purpose of this thesis was to study a selection of Swedish government agencies and their usage of new media to convey information. We thought that the relationship between government agencies and the media should be addressed. This because of the current transitional period between traditional and new media. We have studied five different Swedish government agencies; Swedish Armed Forces, Swedish Tax Agency, Swedish National Institute of Public Health, Trafikverket and Sida.We used a qualitive content analysis and analyzed their homepages on the basis of six different criteria. In addition to this we studied their presence on external social communities and how the government agencies comply with the requirements of their communicative efforts.The study shows that the government agencies? media usage varies.

Kommunikation : mellan reklambyråer och deras uppdragsgivare

Today many companies are using advertising agencies in marketing. That makes the advertising agencies responsible for delivering their clients messages and values to the final customer. Therefore it is very important that communication between an advertising agency and their client works in a way that they have similar marketing goals, despite all the factors that may distract this communication.The object of this essay is to study communication between advertising agencies and their clients, especially when it comes to setting up goals and that way highlight the problems that may occur and to make both the advertising agencies and their clients understand the importance of successful communication.We have done our research by interviewing representatives from advertising agencies and clients to advertising agencies. The interviews have given us some understanding on the subject which we have based our theories on, so we have used an inductive and hermeneutic approach to the subject.By modifying the theories we chose from the beginning and adapting them to the results of our research we have tried to show the advertising agencies and their clients the importance of effective and reliable communication between them. We also want to highlight the problems that may occur in the communication and give advice that hopefully can be used to improve the communication.The communication seems to work well and so does, according to our interviewees the co-operation overall.

Prognostisering av räntabilitet på eget kapital - Förbättras möjligheten att prognostisera räntabilitet på eget kapital om hänsyn tas till earnings management

Prior studies have shown that earnings management can be used either to inform or to mislead investors about the future performance of a company. However, few studies have examined the impact of earnings management on forecasting return on equity (ROE). The aim of this thesis is to investigate whether the ability to forecast next year's ROE is improved when taking earnings management, measured as discretionary accruals, into account. This is examined by comparing a forecast model that takes the magnitude of discretionary accruals into consideration with a model that does not. The study is based on companies that were listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange during 2002-2012.

Sammanslagning av myndigheter: Problem och lösningar

This Master Thesis has its basis in a political decision made by Centerpartiet. The primary goal of the decision was to construct a new government agency, with the power to decide over all areas concerning social insurance. To be able to do this safely, by a merge of two different agencies, the thesis looks at different earlier merges for signs. First of all two agencies, Swedish Tax-agency and Swedish Prison and Probation Service, are studied because they are considered succeful in their earlier merges. Two main signs are that it took a long while and that the organisations worked with similar things before the merge.

När goda råd är dyra: En fallstudie av användandet av konsulttjänster i den ideella sektorn

A case study was done of Sthlm Policy Group, a consulting agency that mainly targets NGOs and government agencies in the peace and security sector. The goal of the case study was to explore the tendency of NGOs in Sweden to hire commercial consulting companies. The main interest was to see what the key reasons are for NGOs to hire private consulting agencies, but also to explore what problems that might be associated with such relationships. Interviews were carried out with representatives of the consulting agency, with its clients as well as with other NGOs that were identified as potential clients. The interviewed NGOs and government agencies were found to approve of the use of commercial consultants.

Bevarande av webbplatser : En kartläggning bland statliga myndigheter i Sverige

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate if Swedish agencies preserve their websites according to the Swedish archival legislations and guidelines. As a theory the OAIS Reference Model (Open Archival Information System, developed by US Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, CCSDS) has been used as a model to show how important it is to develop strategies for public digital information which has to be preserved for long term. The ingest function in the OAIS Reference Model demands that files are prepared for long term preservation and requires that the digital information fulfils established technical requirements.In the study the Swedish National Archive and their advices about preserving websites to archivists on the Swedish agencies are being studied. To control if the agencies meet the requirements for their management and preservation of their websites a survey was sent out to investigate if Swedish agencies preserve their websites. According to the survey result, 84 of 113 agencies preserve their websites in some way. If the technical requirements really was met could not be verified in this thesis, the results was relied on the responses from the authorities.

Transferfunktionsmodeller modellering och prognoser av Sjötransportindex

We have by Statistics Sweden (SCB) been given the task of using different dynamic regression models in order to forecast service price index for sea transport. The aim is to see whether these models provide better forecasts than those previously used. This essay aim to identify, estimate and evaluate the selected prediction models. Through our data material we were given access to 28 sightings of sea transport index during the period of 2004 q1 to 2010 q4. We have chosen to evaluate three different transfer function models, one ARIMA model and one naive forecasting model. The input variables we decided to test in our transfer function models were the price of petroleum products, the port activity in Swedish ports and the lending rate of Swedish Central bank. The results of our study suggest that transfer function models generally provide better models than the ARIMA model and the naive forecast model.

Reklambyråers anpassning till en föränderlig omvärld : En fallstudie om vilka faktorer som är viktiga för att reklambyråer ska överleva på den alltmer konkurrenskraftiga och överetablerade marknaden

Background: Change factors have appeared in advertising and customer understanding has grown among companies, which have led to important competitive advantages. Advertising agencies are not the only ones benefiting from this expertise anymore, but companies are starting to thus take clients from advertising agencies. They are also taking intermediaries, such as production, over more and more jobs from advertising agencies. This has led to an even tougher competition in the market and that advertising agencies are losing their jobs. The increased competition in the market, has also led many companies choosing to change its advertising agency, to think in new and changing strategies in the enterprise.

Med handen på hjärtat och kniven mot strupen : En kvalitativ undersökning av de svenska bokningsbolagens verklighet

This study focuses on the booking agencies in Sweden and their point of view on the reality with a focal point from the mass media perspective, which says that they have become rather wealthy because of the changes within the music business. The mass media describes the booking agencies situation as golden because of the economical and technological changes that more or less have paralysed the record industry. The study is performed with a qualitative approach and is based on interviews with relevant individuals from eight different Swedish booking agencies. These individuals have been chosen to match as many different segments in the booking agency business as possible. On account of the qualitative approach it is difficult to generalize the conclusion of the study.

En jämförelse mellan PHP och C# i .Net

In this report we compare the two programming languages PHP and C# in .Net. They are both used to create dynamic websites and on the web there's a debate going on about which of these languages you're recommended to use. With this report we want to make ourselves a more scientific base of which of these languages that is the most used language and which languages that are the most suitable for creating dynamic websites. We have two purposes with this report:1. To compare the usage of the programming languages C# in .Net and PHP at web agencies, advertising agencies and combinded agencies in Sweden today.2.

De kommunala samverkansorganen. Handlingsfrihet och handlingsförmåga i den regionala utvecklingspolitiken.

Today there is a keen competition between regions in the world for companies and inhabitants in order to improve regional development and economic growth. In many regions there is an active effort to create a good home base for companies and inhabitants. Since 2003 municipalities in nine counties in Sweden have come together in co-operative agencies in order to work towards more efficient regional development.This essay focuses on the relation between the state and the co-operative agencies in the regional development policy and which possibilities the state gives the co-operative agencies to pursue an efficient regional development policy, both legally and financially. I have researched and analysed this through models and ideas on how the state governs the administration and through the translation theory. The result of my study is that the co-operative agencies have a relatively large amount of freedom to make there own priorities, but the ability to act efficiently within regional development is limited..

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